Nexus 5: ElementalX + Lollipop

Yesterday I rooted my Nexus 5 running stock lollipop. I bought this phone about 3 weeks ago. Lollipop was supposed to improve power consumption of Android devices but the results I acheived were quite opposite of what Google has been claiming. I barely got 3 hours of SOT & I was facing mic issue as well, which means people at the other end couldn't hear my voice clearly & sometimes my voice was gone completely (during important calls offcourse). I knew it could be fixed by rooting the device & modifying the OS to my liking. So far the results & my findings are not that impressive after rooting & modifying the OS.

I flashed ElementalX kernel with stock settings except I undervolted the CPU to 750 mV. I greenified the culprit apps & started to expect at least 5 hours SOT. However the results were quite below my expectations. I couldn't get more then 4 hours SOT with the following settings & usage patterns.

  • Brightness ~25%
  • Calls = none
  • Gaming = light
  • Music = Medium to heavy use (using earphones)
  • Facebook = medium use
  • Baccon Reader (reddit) = medium use.
  • Chrome = Light use
  • Messaging = none
Considering these settings I could have easily acheived more then 5 hours of SOT but I couldn't come even close to that. This clearly indicates that Google needs to fix its latest OS & these battery draining issues. No matter how much we modify kernel or undervolt the CPU at the end of the day rogue apps & processes will still suck the life out of our precious batteries.

I am still looking for ways to get higher numbers of SOT. If you guys have achieved better results, feel free to share them in the comment section.


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